20 TCM CPPE CTL 6000.000 - Product Obsolete

Product 20 TCM CPPE CTL 6000.000 is now an obsolete item. Contact us with any further questions.

20 TCM CPPE CTL 6000.000

, T-Case Metric, 20 mm Diameter, Chrome Plated Plain Ends60 Rockwell C Min.

Lead Time:  Next Day Lead times may increase with higher quantities. Lead time displayed in business days.
Cut to Length:

Min: 1000.0 mm  Max: 6000.0 mm  Tolerance +/- 0.8 mm

  • Shaft supports simplify mounting of Thomson 60 Case shafts. Users of Thomson 60 Case shafting should consider the use of these shaft supports.


Dimension Value
[dia] 20.0000
[ToleranceValues] 0 / -13 µm


Specification Value
Shaft Type None
Material, Shaft Chrome Plated Plain Ends
Surface Finish 0.25 Ra µm
Hardness 60 Rockwell C Min.
Length 6,000.0 mm / 236.2 in
Diameter 20 mm / 0.787 in
Weight 15.000 kg/m / 108.495 lbs/ft
Taper 0.0020 mm / 0.0001 in

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